“…[6b, 10,12] The proposed mechanism forf luorination is based on two key principles. [6b] Firstly,t he phase must possess Fe 2 + to act as the redox active centerw hilst the degree of oxidation is limitedt ot he amount of Fe 2 + to be oxidized to Fe 3 + .F urthermore, it has been shownt hat there is ap ropensity for the Sb 3 + ,w hich line the walls of the channel, to also play ap art in the oxidation process depending on the atmosphere and conditions that the materialish eatedi n. [13] This material is of interest because of the mechanism for the inclusiono fe xcessf luoride ions within the channel of the structure( see Figure1). Therefore, it can be consideredt ob ea 1D intercalation material, like olivine-type materials for lithiumion batteries.…”