We performed susceptibility measurements on Y 1-y Ca y Ba 2 Cu 3 O x single crystals under high He pressure. For each Ca content various samples with different oxygen contents have been prepared to probe the influence of Ca on T c (x), dT c /dp(x) and T c,max . Starting from the parabolic T c (n h ) behavior we calculated n h values from T c and T c,max for each sample. It is shown that in the overdoped region dT c /dp can be described by a pressure induced charge transfer with dn h /dp ≈ 3.7⋅10 -3 GPa -1 and a dT c,max /dp value of 0.8 K/GPa, irrespective of the Ca content. In the underdoped region additional pressure effects lead to a peak in dT c /dp at ≈0.11 holes/CuO 2 plane. However, with increasing Ca content this peak is strongly depressed. This is explained in terms of an increasing disorder in the CuO chain system due to doping. Deviations in dT c /dp at very low n h values can be assigned to the ortho II ordering in the CuO chain system.