17Low oxygen induces wild type p53 inactivation and selects for mutant-like p53 18 phenotypes for aggressive tumor growth. Recently, we have shown wild type p53 as 19 a cellular oxygen-sensor that operates in switch-like fashion to transform its 20 characters of a tumor suppressor or promoter in a gradient of hypoxia. However, it is 21 unclear how hypoxic tumors select for wild type p53 phenotypes for oxygen-22 sensitive responses. Here, we show that oxygen-generated spatial distribution of the 23 cell population induces p53 phenotype-specific survival or death. We have found 24 that a dynamic state of spatial scatters or clustering patterns of cell populations 25 favor the survival of wild type more than the mutant phenotypes in a wide range of 26 oxygen fluctuation by affecting p53 subcellular localization. Our results demonstrate 27 how spatial distribution could function to establish wild type p53-mediated oxygen 28 sensing and cell fate decisions in a cell population with heterogeneous p53 allele 29 status. We anticipate that such behavior of cells in a gradient of oxygen can be 30 utilized by the hypoxic tumors to maintain distinct p53 alleles and determine the 31 release and metastasis of single or clustered circulating tumor cells (CTCs).32 33 129 Pune), and DU145 p53 WT/MT (NCCS, Pune) were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium 130 (Merck, D5648) supplemented with 10% (v/v) FCS (Thermofisher, 10438018), penicillin (100 131 U/ml), streptomycin (100 U/ ml) and L-glutamine (4 mM) (Merck, G3126), pH 7.4. For the 132 proliferating cell cultures, 5% CO 2 was maintained in a humidified incubator at 37 °C. Hypoxia 133 exposure to the cell culture was performed under a humidified condition in a hypoxia chamber 134 (Plas Labs inc., USA) equipped with O 2 and CO 2 sensors. O 2 and CO 2 levels were quickly restored 135 upon the detection of fluctuations (by ±0.2 units) from the set levels through the automated 136 purging of gases by inbuilt sensors. The normal atmospheric pressure was maintained through 137 the N 2 gas. Similarly, the integrated thermostat maintained the temperature at 37°C. Just before 138 the exposure, DMEM was replenished in the cultures. Re-oxygenation was performed by 139 transferring the cultures from the hypoxia chamber to the CO 2 (5%) incubator for a 24h period.140 Flow cytometry 141 Following the treatments, cells were rinsed with PBS and harvested by mild trypsinization 142 for 10-15 seconds at 37°C. The trypsinized cells were gently detached with chilled PBS 143 supplemented with 2% FBS. The cells were gently washed and diluted (approx. 30,000 cells per 144 173 were washed and blocked in 4% BSA in PBS (with 0.1% TX-100) overnight at 4°C. 174 Endogenous p53 was detected by anti-p53DO1 primary antibody (1:1000 dilutions) at 22°C 175 for 4h. Indirect immune labeling was performed by FITC-tagged secondary antibody (1:5000 176 dilutions) for 2h in dark at room temperature. From now onwards all procedures were 177 performed in dark. Secondary antibodies were washed and SlowFade antif...