The increased application of mechanical ventilation, the recognition of its harms and the interest in individualization raised the need for an effective monitoring. An increasing number of monitoring tools and modalities were introduced over the past 2 decades with growing insight into asynchrony, lung and chest wall mechanics, respiratory effort and drive. They should be used in a complementary rather than a standalone way. A sound strategy can guide a reduction in adverse effects like ventilator-induced lung injury, ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction, patient-ventilator asynchrony and helps early weaning from the ventilator. However, the diversity, complexity, lack of expertise, and associated cost make formulating the appropriate monitoring strategy a challenge for clinicians. Most often, a big amount of data is fed to the clinicians making interpretation difficult. Therefore, it is fundamental for intensivists to be aware of the principle, advantages, and limits of each tool. This analytic review includes a simplified narrative of the commonly used basic and advanced respiratory monitors along with their limits and future prospective.