Purpose: Examine the feasibility of characterizing the regulation of renal oxygenation using high-temporal-resolution monitoring of the T * 2 response to a step-like oxygenation stimulus. Methods: For T * 2 mapping, multi-echo gradient-echo imaging was used (temporal resolution = 9 seconds). A step-like renal oxygenation challenge was applied involving sequential exposure to hyperoxia (100% O 2), hypoxia (10% O 2 + 90% N 2), and hyperoxia (100% O 2). In vivo experiments were performed in healthy rats (N = 10) and in rats with bilateral ischemia-reperfusion injury (N = 4). To assess the step response of renal oxygenation, a second-order exponential model was used (model parameters: amplitude [A], time delay [Δt], damping constant [D], and period of the oscillation [T]) for renal cortex, outer stripe of the outer medulla, inner stripe of the outer medulla, and inner medulla. Results: The second-order exponential model permitted us to model the exponential T * 2 recovery and the superimposed T * 2 oscillation following renal oxygenation stimulus. The in vivo experiments revealed a difference in D outer medulla between healthy controls (D < 1, indicating oscillatory recovery) and ischemia-reperfusion injury (D > 1, reflecting aperiodic recovery). The increase in D outer medulla by a factor of 3.7 (outer stripe of the outer medulla) and 10.0 (inner stripe of the outer medulla) suggests that this parameter might be rather sensitive to (patho)physiological oxygenation changes. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the feasibility of monitoring the dynamic oxygenation response of renal tissues to a step-like oxygenation challenge using | 335 ZHAO et Al.