The aim of this study was to determine how Chondrus crispus, a marne red macroalga, acquires the inorganic carbon (C,) it utilizes for photosynthetic carbon fixation. Analyses of C, uptake were done using silicone oil centrifugation (using multicellular fragments of thallus), infrared gas analysis, and gas chromatography. Inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase (CA), the band 3 anion exchange protein and Na+/K+ exchange were used in the study.It was found that: (a) C. crispus does not accumulate C, internally above the concentration attainable by diffusion; (b) the initial C, fixtion rate of C. crispus fragments saturates at approximately 3 to 4 millimolar C,; (c) CA is involved in carbon uptake; its involvement is greatest at high HC03-and low CO2 concentration, suggesting its participation in the dehydration of HC03-to C02; (d) C. crispus has an intermediate C1 compensation point; and (e) no evidence of any active or facilitated mechanism for the transport of HC03-was detected. These data support the view that photosynthetic C1 uptake does not involve active transport. Rather, C02, derived from HC03-catalyzed by external CA, passively diffuses across the plasma membrane of C. crispus. Intracellular CA also enhances the fixation of carbon in C. crispus.Seawater contains approximately 2 mm HC03-and only 10 IM CO2. Thus, it is not surprising that Chondrus crispus (4, 9, 10, 28) and other marine macroalgae (2,13,14,25) utilize the HCO3-reserves of seawater as a source of photosynthetic carbon, and several of the above authors have suggested that marine macroalgae absorb HCO3-. In this study we used the SOC3 technique to determine the mechanism by which C. crispus utilizes HCO3-. It is the only technique whereby a measurement can be made of the intracellular Ci concentration of algal cells. Previously the technique has been used solely with unicells and plastids, but for our purposes we have found that thallus fragments are equally effective.As the permeation rate of HCO3-through lipid membranes is very slow compared with that of CO2 (17, 31), some ' Present address: