This work describes a high performance and reliable deep submicrometer n-channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor ͑n-MOSFET͒ with ultrathin gate oxide prepared by combining nitrogen gate electrode implantation and native-oxidefree in situ HF vapor preoxidation cleaning. The results herein reveal that the performance and reliability, including the leakage current of the ultrathin gate oxide, charge-to-breakdown, drain current, transconductance, charge pumping current, stress induced leakage current, and hot carrier reliability of n-MOSFETs are all significantly improved. The enhanced reliability and performance are attributed to the native-oxide-free process, smooth interface, and reduced incorporation of As in the gate oxide which results from HF vapor cleaning and nitrogen implantation.The reliability challenges of ultrathin gate oxide are becoming increasingly greater for deep submicrometer complementary metal oxide semiconductors ͑CMOS͒ devices. 1,2 As the gate oxide thickness scales down, causing soft breakdown and direct tunneling effects, removal of the native oxide prior to gate oxidation becomes critical. Hence, the HF vapor clean and in situ native oxide desorption process have been investigated extensive. 3,4 The postoxidation anneal ͑POA͒ and/or oxynitridation process may enhance the trapping and hot carrier immunity properties of gate oxides by improving interface smoothness and/or increasing interfacial nitrogen concentration. 5,6 Nitrogen implantation has recently received increasing attention in the fabrication of deep submicrometer devices. 7 Nitrogen was implanted ͑i͒ into poly-Si gates to suppress boron penetration, 8-11 ͑ii͒ into junctions to improve the junction leakage, 12,13 and ͑iii͒ into substrates to enhance n-channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor ͑n-MOSFET͒ device performance. [12][13][14][15] The hot carrier resistance of both n-and p-MOSFETs was also found to be capable of substantial improvement by incorporating nitrogen in the gate oxide by implanting it through a polysilicon gate. 11 This work describes a high performance and reliable deep submicrometer n-MOSFET with ultrathin gate oxide prepared by combining nitrogen gate electrode implantation and native-oxide-free in situ HF vapor preoxidation cleaning. Additional in situ HF vapor cleaning and the transfer of wafers in the closed ambient can reduce the regrowth of native oxide and improve surface roughness. Furthermore, the device will benefit from low arsenic incorporation at the oxide/silicon interface in the nitrogen implantation samples. Consequently, the performance and reliability is significantly improved, including the leakage current of ultrathin gate oxide, chargeto-breakdown (Q bd ), the drain current (I d ), transconductance (G m ), charge pumping current (I cp ), stress induced leakage current ͑SILC͒, and hot carrier reliability of n-MOSFETs with 4 nm thin gate oxides.
ExperimentalThe gate oxidations and polysilicon deposition were performed in the Advance 400 ͑ASM A400/3͒, a clus...