AnimalsC57BL/6 wild type (wt), oxytocin-wt (oxt-wt) and oxytocin-
AbstractCohabitation with pet dogs imparts diverse health benefits to humans including a slim physique. It is known that neuropeptide hormone oxytocin fundamental in human-canine social bonds regulates appetite and body weight. It was recently shown in mice that consuming Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 6475 from human breast milk lowers body weight and up-regulates oxytocin levels in blood. Here we test the hypothesis that bacteria from dog saliva may similarly modulate recipient host body weight. We find that a Lactobacillus spp isolate from dog saliva led to lower body weight when fed to C57BL/6 wild type mice. Mice consuming the canineborne L. reuteri also had elevated oxytocin levels in blood plasma, and exhibited body weight in an oxytocin-dependent manner. Interestingly, killed (lysed) canine bacteria were sufficient to achieve the physiological effects. Taken together, these studies provide evidence that dog bacteria modulate oxytocin levels and body weight in recipient mice, and thus may help reduce risk of obesity in individuals cohabitating with pet dogs. knockout (oxt-ko) B6; 129S-Oxttm1Wsy/J mice (purchased initially from Jackson labs; Bar Harbor, ME) were used in three separate experiments (Figure 1). Mice were housed and handled in Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC)-accredited facilities using techniques and diets including Lactobacillus reuteri as specifically approved by Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Committee on Animal Care (CAC). Mice were housed under standard 12:12 light cycle conditions with lights on at 7 AM. Mice were fed a standard control chow Purina RMH3000.
Beneficial Dog Bacteria Up-Regulate Oxytocin and Lower Risk of ObesityMice were bred in-house to achieve experimental groups. Each experiment included 5-15 animals per group with one or two replications (total N=10-30 mice examined per group) unless otherwise specified. For the initial studies, C57BL/6 wt mice received Lactobacillus reuteri 2546 isolated from dog saliva. To test putative roles for microbeinduced oxytocin in obesity, oxt-ko mice and their oxt-wt littermates entered experiments at eight weeks of age. At the conclusion of the study mice were euthanized with CO 2 overdose, and were examined as described below. Eight pet dogs served as saliva microbe donors as approved by the MIT-CAC. Saliva was collected from these dogs in the morning before feeding using sterile swabs [Puritan Sterile Polyester Tipped applicators Guilford, Me Ref: 25-806 1PD] in 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (Safeseal Microcentrifuge Tubes, Sorenson Bioscience Inc. Salt Lace City, UT Cat# 16070). Bacteria were purified from dog saliva as described in detail below.
PCR of dog saliva for all Lactobacillus speciesSaliva was collected from eight pet dogs and prepared using High Pure PCR Template kit (Roche Diagnostics) was used without changes to the manufacturer's directions to isolate DNA from the canine saliva. DNA was measured using Nan...