Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, a dot-immunobinding assay and a three-step reverse-phase HPLC separation, four Arg-Phe-amide (RFamide) peptides were purified from sex segmental ganglia extracts of the leech Erpobdella octoculata ; FMRFamide, FM(O)RFamide, FLRFamide and GDPFLRFamide. Their amino acid sequences were elucidated by means of a combined approach using antiserum specificity, synthetic-peptide coelution, automated Edman degradation and electrospray mass spectrometry. One of these peptides, GDPFLRFamide, is a novel leech RFamide neuropeptide.Two of the above RFamide peptides are involved in the control of leech hydric balance; one (GDPFLRFamide) is diuretic, the other (FMRFamide) is anti-diuretic.Titration of each purified RFamide peptide indicated a similar amount of each tetrapeptide and of tetrapeptides and heptapeptides. A comparison between RFamide peptides of E. octoculata and molluscs reveals structural similarities supporting the hypothesis for the existence of an ancestral RFamide peptide gene common to leeches and molluscs.The family of Arg-Phe-amide (RFamide) peptides is a group of peptides having, in common, the carboxy-terminal sequence Arg-Phe-amide. These peptides are found throughout the metazoans (for a review, see [l]) and notably in annelids.In this phylum, authentic FMRFamide is present in the polychaetes Nereis virens [2] and Nereis diversicolor [3]. In this last species, two other RFamide peptides [FM(O)RFamide and FTRFamide] have been isolated. Immunohistochemical and pharniacological data suggest that RFamides are involved in the control of the heartbeat and the body-wall tone of the polychaete Sabellastarte magnijka [4] as in the oligochaete Eisenia foetida [5]. In hirudinae, an immunoreactivity to anti-FMRFamide has been reported in cell bodies and neuronal processes throughout the central nervous system of Hirudo medicinalis [6, 71. In the segmental ganglia of the ventral nerve cord, this immunoreactivity is localized to heart-excitator motor neurons, heart-accessory modulatory neurons and several motor neurons innervating longitudinal and medio dorso ventral muscles [7-91. Among the 21 segmental ganglia (SG) of the ventral nerve cord of leeches, SG5 and SG6, which innervate the sexual organs, are designated as sex SG. These sex SG contain, compared to the nonsex SG [lo], an additional population of neurons immunostained with anti-FMRFamide in H. medicinalis [ll] cently, we demonstrated immunocytochemically and biochemically, in another leech, Erpobdella octoculata, the presence in these supernumerary cells of the sex SG of an RFamide epitope [12]. This RFamide epitope is colocalized with an epitope immunoreactive to an antiserum against oxytocin and exerting an anti-diuretic effect when injected in leeches [121.The physiological roles of RFamide peptides are well known in H. medicinalis where they act in the control of heartbeat [ 131 and in the contraction of longitudinal muscles [9]. Bath application of FMRFamide increases the strength and accelerates the rate of m...