for example by experimentally modifying the environment of resting EEG recordings 68 , analyzing the relationship between task-independent and task-dependent neural activity 16,69,70 , analyzing brain-to-brain synchronization affecting prosociality 71 , and linking the four resting EEG networks to psychological constructs known to affect prosociality (e.g. empathy, perspective-taking 72-74). Methods Participants. Based on an estimated average medium effect size of associations between resting EEG networks' temporal dynamics and trait variables in similar research 75 , 55 participants (α = 0.05, β = 0.85) are needed to detect a significant effect (Correlation, bivariate normal model; G-Power 76). Our sample included 55 healthy, right-handed participants (M = 24.22 y, s.d. = 4.20, range: 19-40 y). Due to potential confounds associated with hormonal variation in the menstrual cycle and the complexities associated with controlling for this variation in the experimental design 62,63 , only male participants were enrolled in this initial project. All participants were right-handed, and free of current or previous history of physical and psychiatric disorders, and alcohol or drug abuse. The Ethics Committee of the University of Freiburg approved this study, which was conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki.