Landfill leachate derived from the landfilling practice of the municipal wastes is a problem affecting all countries and continents. Even after the shutdown of a landfill site, the leachate production continues for decades. In this work a solution for the landfill lea chate treatment has been proposed based on three fundamental steps: the pre-ozonolysis of the leachate, the passage of the ozonized leachate through a fixed bed of activated carbon and the final step consisting in a photo-ozonolysis stage involving the simultaneous action of ozone and UV light. A distinction between the chemical structure and chemical behaviour of young and mature leachate was evidenced by thermal analysis of the soluble organic matter (SOM) obtained from these substrates. Furthermore, a distinction between young and mature leachate was also evidenced in terms of their different reactivity toward ozone as illustrated by the COD abatement and by FTIR spectroscopy on pristine and ozonized SOM. A modular pilot plant for the treatment of different landfill leachates was presented and proposed.