Ab stract-The re view is based on the re sults of op er a tion of the to tal ozone (TO) mon i tor ing sys tem in Rus sia and neigh bor ing coun tries that func tions in the op er a tional mode at the Cen tral Aerological Obser va tory. The mon i tor ing sys tem uses data from the na tional net work equipped with M-124 fil ter ozonometers be ing un der the meth od olog i cal su per vi sion of the Main Geo phys i cal Ob ser va tory. The qual ity of the func tion ing of the en tire sys tem is op er a tion ally con trolled us ing the OMI sat el lite equipment ob ser va tions (NASA, USA). Ba sic TO ob ser va tion data are gen er al ized for each month of the fourth quar ter of 2020, for the fourth quar ter, and for the whole year. Data of rou tine ob ser va tions of sur face ozone in the Mos cow re gion are also pre sented.