Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the common gastrointestinal complaints presented in developing and developed countries. Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma are the major complications of GERD. A Quantitative research approach, pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was used to conduct the study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding the management and prevention of complications of Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) among patients with GERD. A total of 60 Samples were selected by non-probability purposive sampling technique. A pretest was done using a semi-structured questionnaire, followed by which, a structured teaching programme was provided. A post-test using a same semi-structured questionnaire was given to the same samples. Before STP, 76.7% of the subjects had an inadequate level of knowledge score, and none of them had an adequate level of knowledge score. But after the pedagogical way of effective STP, none of the patients had an inadequate level of knowledge score, 16.7% of them had moderate and 83.3% of them had an adequate level of knowledge score. Elder and graduated subjects were significantly associated with their post-test level of knowledge score regarding management and prevention of complications of GERD. The study proved that STP was immensely effective for the patients with GERD (c2=58.00 at P=0.001 level of significance) attending the Gastroenterology outpatient department at RGGGH, Chennai.