Foldable displays have become increasingly used in the display as a solution of portability-practicality trade-off. A new scan driver integrated with metal oxide thin film transistors (MO TFTs) is proposed for foldable displays to overcome the effect of threshold voltage shift on the scan driver output. In the scan driver, a feedback section and two STT (series to transistor) structures are used to keep the voltage of the key node to sustain normal output. With this structure, the lower voltage of the negative supply, the more stable the scan driver will be. Some flexible MO TFTs and 60 stages scan drivers are fabricated by etch stop layer structures on the PI (Polyimide) substrate. Under different strains and 100 000 times bending with the minimum 3.5mm bending radius, the characteristics of MO TFTs and the output waveform of the scan driver are measured. Experimental results show that the proposed scan driver shows high reliability since only a little voltage fluctuation occurs at the outputs after the bending test and has a better output waveform with a lower voltage of the negative supply.