SummaryThis paper investigates the impact of frequent and small playout delay adjustments (time-shifting)o f3 0m so r less introduced to silence periods by Vo ice overIP(Vo IP)jitter buffer strategies on listening quality perceivedby the end user.Inparticular,the quality impact is assessed using both asubjective method (quality scores obtained from subjective listening test)a nd an objective method based on perceptual modelling. Twod i ff erent objective methods are used, PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality,ITU-T Recommendation P. 862)and POLQA (Perceptual Objective Listening Quality Assessment, ITU-T Recommendation P. 863). Moreover, the relative accuracyofboth objective models is assessed by comparing their predictions with subjective assessments. The results showthat the impact of the investigated playout delay adjustments on subjective listening quality scores is negligible. On the other hand, asignificant impact is reported for objective listening quality scores predicted by the PESQ model i.e. the PESQ model fails to correctly predict quality scores for this kind of degradation. Finally, the POLQA model is shown to perform significantly better than PESQ. We conclude the paper by identifying further related research that arises from this study.