The objective of this study was to compare the breathing pattern of patients who failed to wean from mechanical ventilation to the pattern during acute respiratory failure. We hypothesized that a similar breathing pattern occurs under both conditions. Breathing pattern, mouth occlusion pressure (P0.1) and maximum inspiratory pressure (PI,max) were measured in 15 patients during acute respiratory failure, within 24 h of the institution of mechanical ventilation, and in 49 patients during recovery, when they were ready for discontinuation from mechanical ventilation. The following indices were calculated: rapid shallow breathing index (respiratory frequency/tidal volume (f R/VT)); rapid shallow breathing-occlusion pressure index (ROP = P0.1·fR/VT); P0.1/PI,max; and effective inspiratory impedance (P0.1/VT/(inspiratory time (t I)).Patients who failed to wean (n=11) had a similar ROP, fR/VT and P0.1/PI,max to those with acute respiratory failure despite a significantly reduced P0.1/VT/t I, the value of which was comparable to that of patients who weaned successfully (n=38). The PI,max of patients who failed to wean was similar to that of patients who weaned successfully.We conclude that patients who failed to wean had a breathing pattern similar to that during acute respiratory failure, despite a reduced mechanical load on the respiratory muscles and a relatively adequate inspiratory muscle strength. This suggests that strategies that enhance respiratory muscle endurance may facilitate weaning.