Objective: Histologic studies show that the amygdala is affected by Alzheimer disease (AD) pathology, and its medial aspect is the most involved. We aimed to assess in vivo local structural differences in the amygdala of patients with AD using high-field MRI.Methods: A total of 19 patients with AD (mean age 76, SD 6 years, mean Mini-Mental State Examination score [MMSE] 13, SD 4) and 19 healthy elderly controls (age 74, SD 5, MMSE 29, SD 1) were enrolled. The radial atrophy mapping technique was used to reconstruct the 3-dimensional surface of the amygdala. Maps of surface tissue loss in patients with AD vs controls were computed and statistically tested with permutation tests thresholded at p Ͻ 0.05, to correct for multiple comparisons. A digital atlas of the amygdalar nuclei was used to infer which nuclei were involved.Results: Both amygdalar volumes were significantly smaller in patients with AD (right 1,508 mm 3 , SD 418; left 1,646, SD 419) than controls (right 2,129 mm 3 , SD 316; left 2,077, SD 376; p Ͻ 0.002). In the dorsomedial part, significant local tissue loss (20%-30%) was mapped in the medial and central nuclei. Ventrally, the lateral nucleus (La) and the basolateral ventral medial nucleus (BLVM) were also involved (20%-30% loss).
Conclusions:We found in vivo local structural differences in the amygdala of patients with AD.The nuclei involved have known connections to the hippocampus (BLVM, La) and olfactory system (medial nucleus) and with cholinergic pathways (central nucleus). This pattern is consistent with the known pathophysiology of neural systems affected by AD. Neurology Declarative memory is the main cognitive function affected by Alzheimer disease (AD). While the role of the hippocampus and hippocampal pathology in AD are widely known, the role of the amygdala is much less studied. The amygdala plays a key role in enhancing explicit memory both for pleasant and unpleasant emotional stimuli, by modulating of the encoding and consolidation processes. 1 It also has abundant neural connections with the hippocampus. 2 The amygdala is also among the brain structures where tau deposition occurs in the earliest stages of Alzheimer pathology, 3,4 with more marked tau and A deposition in the medial than lateral nuclei.
5Amygdalar volumetric studies using MRI techniques repeatedly find differences in patients with AD relative to healthy controls. [6][7][8] However, none has focused on mapping local structural changes in the amygdala, although the amygdala is known to be made of a heterogeneous From the LENITEM