In this note it is shown that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a Pa-factorization of complete multipartite graph aK~, is (1) rn~3, (2) mn~-O(mod 3) and (3) 2(m--1)n~0(mod 4).
w 1 IntroductionLet P3 be a path on 3-points and K~, be a complete multipartite graph. AK~ is the multigraph obtained from K~, by replacing each edge e of K~ by a set of a edges all having the same end vertices as e. A subgraph F of ).KT, is called a spanning subgraph of AK~, if F contains all the vertices of AKT~. A spanning subgraph F of AK~ is called a Pa-factor if each component of F is isomorphic to Pa. If AK:, is expressed as a line-disjoint sum of P3-factors, then this sum is called a Pa-factorization of 2K:,.The spectrum problems for P3-factorization of complete graph AK~ and of complete bipartite graph Kin., have been completely solved by [-1,2]. In this note, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a Pa-factorization of complete multipartite grap.h AKT, will be given.For this purpose we need a group divisible design. A group divisible design GDD (m, n, 3,2) consists of a collection of n-subsets, called groups, of a ran-set X and a collection of 3-subsets, called blocks, such that (1) the groups form a partition of X,(2) each pair of elements from different groups occurs together in exactly ), blocks,(3) no block contains two elements from the same group.A GDD is said to be resolvable if its block can be partitioned into r parallel classes, each of which partitions the set X. We denote it by RGDD. From simple counting we