Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the scientific production about the contribution of nurses in the prevention of pressure injuries in patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Method: This is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, of the integrative review type of health journals, indexed in the VHL, LILACS, MEDLINE and SCIELO databases, from 2010 to 2016, using the descriptors for consultation: Intensive care units; Nursing care; Pressure ulcer. Results and Discussion: Eight scientific articles were selected, whose prevalence addressed the identification of risk factors and preventive measures. 83.33% of the studies had a qualitative approach as the selected method. The nurse is seen as a leader in care management, providing critical patients with direct assistance, supervision, guidance and stimulation of the nursing team However, despite technological and scientific advances and the improvement of services and health care, the incidence of Pressure Injury remains high, especially in intensive care unit patients. Final Considerations: It was noticed that the nurse has great relevance in the implementation of protocols and in the execution of preventive measures. The results obtained refer the nurse as a leader capable of early identification of risk factors and of implementing preventive measures aimed at patient safety and reduction of damages involving skin integrity.