“…(2012): higher potential predictive skill in the tropical Pacific SST anomalies is found in the west in our ATL run (Table 2 and Figure S3) but in the east in the pacemaker experiment (Figure 4 in their paper). This discrepancy provides another perspective on the predictability that involves ENSO diversity (Capotondi et al., 2015), which might be modulated by Atlantic mean state biases, model systematic errors, and assimilation methods (Ding, Keenlyside, et al., 2015; Ding, Greatbatch, et al., 2015; Dippe et al., 2019; Johnson et al., 2020). According to previous studies (Ham, Kug, Park, & Jin, 2013; Ham, Kug, & Park, 2013), the boreal summer Atlantic Niño enhances occurrences in the eastern Pacific type of ENSO in the subsequent winter, whereas the spring North Atlantic SST anomalies contribute to an increase in the central Pacific type of ENSO events.…”