The electrostatic properties of individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes ͑MWCNTs͒ have been investigated from charge injection and electrostatic force microscopy experiments. The MWCNT linear charge densities analyzed as a function of the nanotube diameters are found to differ from classical capacitive predictions by one order of magnitude and correspond to the response of MWCNTs in the external electric field generated at the microscope tip. The fact that MWCNTs can hold an out-of-equilibrium charge is attributed to the innershell charging, as a result of the MWCNT finite transverse polarizability and of the intercalation of semiconducting and metallic shells.Single and multiwalled carbon nanotubes ͑CNTs͒ have been extensively studied in the past decade for their onedimensional transport properties. However, the electrostatics of CNTs remains a quite open field of experimental and theoretical investigation in spite of the fundamental interest on it for CNT-based electronic devices such as sensors, field effect transistors, and nonvolatile memories, 1,2 for nanoelectromechanical systems, 3,4 and for dielectrophoresis developments. 5 Recent work on single-walled carbon nanotubes ͑SWCNTs͒ have drawn a border line between classicallike electrostatic properties, e.g., the spatial charge distribution in SWCNTs ͑Ref. 6͒, and quantum properties, such as quantum capacitance effects, 7,8 which highlight the interplay between Coulomb interactions and the SWCNT density of states. However, little experimental work has been performed so far on the electrostatic properties of multiple stacked or rolled graphene layers, in which complex interactions occur due to intershell couplings. [9][10][11] In this article, we investigate the electrostatic response of individual multiwalled nanotubes ͑MWCNTs͒ upon local charging from an atomic force microscopy tip. The measured nanotube linear charge densities are found to deviate from capacitive predictions by more than one order of magnitude. From an analysis of the charge densities as a function of the nanotube diameters, we demonstrate that MWCNTs respond to applied external electric fields and carry an inner-shell charge as a result of their finite transverse polarizability and of the intercalation of semiconducting and metallic shells.Charge injection and electrostatic force microscopy experiments have been conducted using an atomic force microscope ͑multimode, Veeco Instruments͒ operated under dry nitrogen atmosphere. We used Pt-Ir metal-coated cantilevers with spring constant of 1 -3 N / m and typical resonance frequency of 75 kHz. Purified nanotubes grown by chemical vapor deposition were dispersed from dichloromethane solutions on a 200 nm thick silicon dioxide layer thermally grown from a doped silicon wafer. Individual CNTs are localized by tapping-mode topography imaging and charged by local contact with the tip biased at the injection voltage V inj ͓Fig. 1͑a͔͒. 12-14 After injection, the CNT charge state is then measured by electrostatic force microscopy ͑EFM͒. In this process...