Although trauma is a common cause of greater pain and interference on daily activities, little is known about pain experience, pain management strategies and pain management outcomes in hospitalized trauma patients in Indonesia. This descriptive study aimed (1) to assess the pain experience, (2) to describe pain management strategies, and (3) to describe satisfaction with pain management conducted by healthcare providers as perceived by trauma patients. A total of 154 hospitalized trauma patients from a teaching hospital in Indonesia were recruited from January to March 2016. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that most of the hospitalized trauma patients had single extremity fractures (56.49%) and mild head injury (20.13%). They have experienced a mild to moderate level of pain intensity and pain interference during the first three days of admission. These pain intensity and pain interference levels were found to be significantly decreased from the first to the third day. The pain management strategies often used by the healthcare providers were showing interest and asking about pain, assessing the outcomes after receiving analgesic drugs, and giving information about pain. The pain management strategies often used by patients were praying (86.36%), slow and deep breathing (77.27%), and reciting Dzikir (meditation) (68.18%). Patients reported that performing Dzikir and praying were the effective strategies to reduce their pain. The patients rated moderate to high levels of satisfaction with pain management conducted by healthcare providers. Therefore, combinations analgesic drugs with praying and performing Dzikir related to cultural contexts are crucial to alleviate pain among hospitalized trauma patients in Indonesia.