BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Studies on pain prevalence systematically point to high values. Although not comparable, a global analysis allows inferring that from every two hospitalized patients, one is in pain. This study aimed at determining pain prevalence, its characteristics, analgesic treatment and satisfaction of patients admitted to a hospital in the Center of Portugal with regard to pain evaluation and treatment. METHODS: This is a transversal and observational study with 141 patients admitted for at least 24 hours to surgical and medical units (excluded those unable to communicate), with mean age of 69 years, of both genders, who were interviewed after compliance with respective formal and ethic procedures. RESULTS: Pain prevalence in the 24 hours previous to the study was 52.5% (28.8% severe pain). During interviews, prevalence has decreased to 41.1% (2.7% severe pain). Patients with more severe pain were admitted to surgical services and pain was primarily musculoskeletal. Most patients with pain have waited no more than ten minutes before analgesics were administered. From 57 patients referring pain during data collection, 46 (80.7%) did not require a different drug and 91.3% were happy with their treatment. CONCLUSION: In this institution, there has been pain prevalence and approach similar to the literature, but pain remains undertreated. Such data shall allow the definition and implementation of a more focused and effective pain control program.
MÉTODOS:Estudo transversal e observacional realizado com 141 pacientes, internados há pelo menos 24 horas, em unidades cirúrgicas e médicas (excluídos os não comunicantes), com idade média de 69 anos, de ambos os gêneros, a quem foi realizada uma entrevista após o cumprimento dos respetivos procedimentos formais e éticos. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se prevalência de dor nas 24 horas anteriores ao estudo de 52,5% (28,8% dor intensa). Na altura da entrevista, a prevalência diminuiu para 41,1% (2,7% de dor intensa). Os pacientes com mais dor estavam internados nos serviços cirúrgicos e o tipo de dor era sobretudo musculoesquelé-tica. A maioria dos pacientes com dor esperou, no máximo, 10 minutos, para lhe ser administrado um analgésico. Dos 57 que referiram dor no momento da coleta dos dados, 46 (80,7%) não desejaram outro fármaco e 91,3% mostraram-se satisfeitos com o seu tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: Nessa instituição houve prevalência e abordagem da dor semelhantes às da literatura, mas a dor ainda se encontra subtratada. Esses dados permitirão a definição e implementação de um programa de controle de dor mais dirigida e eficaz. Descritores: Dor, Intensidade da dor, Prevalência de dor, Satisfação do paciente, Tratamento da dor.
INTRODUCTIONPain is a universal and transversal problem to many diseases. It is subjective, very often difficult to describe, but patients should feel that health professionals are willing to listen to them. If untreated, pain leads to several adverse effects, such as cardiovascular, immunological, thrombotic, psychological, social, sleep...