We study the homogeneous symmetrical threshold model with independence (noise) by pair approximation and Monte Carlo simulations on Watts-Strogatz graphs. The model is a modified version of the famous Granovetter's threshold model: with probability p a voter acts independently, i.e. takes randomly one of two states ±1; with complementary probability 1−p, a voter takes a given state, if sufficiently large fraction (above a given threshold r) of individuals in its neighborhood is in this state. We show that the character of the phase transition, induced by the noise parameter p, depends on the threshold r, as well as graph's parameters. For r = 0.5 only continuous phase transitions are observed, whereas for r > 0.5 also discontinuous phase transitions are possible. The hysteresis increases with the average degree k and the rewriting parameter β. On the other hand, the dependence between the width of the hysteresis and the threshold r is non-monotonic. The value of r, for which the maximum hysteresis is observed, overlaps pretty well the size of the majority used for the descriptive norms in order to manipulate people within social experiments. We put results obtained within this paper in a broader picture and discuss them in the context of two other models of binary opinions, namely the majority-vote and the q-voter model.