It was shown recently that the discrete scaling symmetry, which underlies the Efimov effect in the three identical boson system with two-body short-range interactions, survives when singleparticle 1D spin-orbit coupling terms are added to the Hamiltonian. Each three-body energy level in the ordinary Efimov scenario turns into an energy manifold that contains four energy levels in the presence of 1D spin-orbit coupling (equal mixture of Rashba-Dresselhaus coupling). This work provides a detailed characterization of the energy levels in these manifolds. The two-boson energies, which enter into the three-boson scattering threshold, are analyzed in detail. Moreover, the structural properties, e.g., momentum distributions of the two-and three-boson systems, are analyzed for various parameter combinations.
PACS numbers:arXiv:1908.06918v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]