Equilibrium thermodynamic properties of interacting two-component bosons in one dimensionKlauser, A.M.; Caux, J.S.
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Download date: 12 May 2018PHYSICAL REVIEW A 84, 033604 (2011) The interplay of quantum statistics, interactions, and temperature is studied within the framework of the bosonic two-component theory with repulsive delta-function interaction in one dimension. We numerically solve the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and obtain the equation of state as a function of temperature and of the interaction strength, the relative chemical potential, and either the total chemical potential or a fixed number of particles, allowing quantification of the full crossover behavior of the system between its low-temperature ferromagnetic and high-temperature unpolarized regime, and from the low coupling decoherent regime to the fermionization regime at high interaction.
Equilibrium thermodynamic properties of interacting two-component bosons in one dimension