Greater differentiation is being made between types of milk according to product and process characteristics. This study investigated consumer preferences for 4 different types of milk in packaging-blind and nonblind experiments. The taste of long-life milk, conventional fresh whole milk, pasture-based milk, and organic milk was assessed by 138 randomly selected respondents. The average taste of packaging-blind versus nonblind milk types was statistically significantly different for each of the 4 milk types. Consumers appeared to be influenced by the milk's packaging and related credence-good attributes. It is noteworthy that the taste of organic milk during the blind tasting was given a lower rating, and the taste of long-life milk or UHT milk a higher rating, than when respondents were aware of the respective milk types. The study estimated multilevel mixedeffects logistic regression models with the response variable buying decision. Of all the factors studied in the blind and nonblind tasting of almost all milk types, buying decisions were influenced most by taste, overall assessment and income.