We develop a low-energy model of a unidirectional Larkin-Ovchinnikov (LO) state. Because the underlying rotational and translational symmetries are broken spontaneously, this gapless superfluid is a smectic liquid crystal, that exhibits fluctuations that are qualitatively stronger than in a conventional superfluid, thus requiring a fully nonlinear description of its Goldstone modes. Consequently, at nonzero temperature the LO superfluid is an algebraic phase even in 3d. It exhibits half-integer vortex-dislocation defects, whose unbinding leads to transitions to a superfluid nematic and other phases. In 2d at nonzero temperature, the LO state is always unstable to a nematic superfluid. We expect this superfluid liquid-crystal phenomenology to be realizable in imbalanced resonant Fermi gases trapped isotropically.The tunability of interactions through Feshbach resonances has led to a realization of an s-wave paired superfluidity and BCS-BEC crossover [1,2,3], as well as promises of more exotic states such as gapless pwave[4] and periodic Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) [5,6] superfluidity in strongly correlated degenerate alkali gases. The latter enigmatic state has been thoroughly explored within a BCS mean-field studies [7,8,9] and is expected to be realizable in a population-imbalanced (polarized) Feshbach resonant Fermi gas [10,11]. While recent experiments [12,13], have confirmed much of the predicted phenomenology of phase separation [11,14,15] in such systems, the FFLO states have so far eluded definitive observation.The simplest mean-field treatments [5,6,11] find that the FFLO type states are quite fragile, confined to a narrow range of polarization on the BCS side. However, motivated by earlier studies [7,8] and based on the finding of a negative domain-wall energy in an otherwise uniform singlet BCS superfluid [9,16], it has recently been argued that a more general periodic superfluid state that includes a larger set of collinear wavevectors may be significantly more stable. Much like a type-II superconductor undergoes a continuous transition into a vortex state at a lower-critical field H c1 , which is significantly below the thermodynamic field, here too, a Zeeman-field driven domain-wall nucleation (with the density increasing above the lower critical h c1 field) allows a continuous mechanism for a transition from a singlet paired superfluid to a LO-like periodic state [7,8,9,16].In this scenario the SF-LO transition is of a commensurate-incommensurate type as can be explicitly shown in one dimension (1d) [7,17]. The imposed species imbalance (excess of the majority fermionic atoms) can be continuously accommodated by the subgap states localized on the self-consistently induced domain-walls, with this picture resembling the doping of polyacetylene [18]. Such LO state can also be thought of as a periodically ordered micro-phase separation between the normal and BCS states, that thus naturally replaces the macro-phase separation ubiquitously found in the BEC-BCS detuning-polarization phase diag...