Spinless fermions on the honeycomb lattice with repulsive nearest-neighbor interactions are known to harbour a quantum critical point at half-filling, with critical behavior in the Gross-Neveu (chiral Ising) universality class. The critical interaction strength separates a weak-coupling semimetallic regime from a commensurate charge-density-wave phase. The phase diagram of this basic model of correlated fermions on the honeycomb lattice beyond half-filling is, however, less well established. Here, we perform an analysis of its many-body instabilities using the functional renormalization group method with a basic Fermi surface patching scheme, which allows us to treat instabilities in competing channels on equal footing also away from half-filling. Between half-filling and the Van Hove filling, the free Fermi surface is holelike and we again find a charge-density wave instability to be dominant at large interactions. Moreover, its characteristics are those of the half-filled case. Directly at the Van Hove filling, the nesting property of the free Fermi surface stabilizes a dimerized bond-order phase. At lower filling, the free Fermi surface becomes electronlike and a superconducting instability with f -wave symmetry is found to emerge from the interplay of intra-unit-cell repulsion and collective fluctuations in the proximity to the charge-density wave instability. We estimate the extent of the various phases and extract the corresponding order parameters from the effective low-energy Hamiltonians.arXiv:1805.02490v2 [cond-mat.str-el]