“…The flora of Wackersdorf (Knobloch and Kvaček, 1976;Gregor, 1978, Günther andGregor, 1993) represents a typical Younger Mastixioid flora characterised by a mixture of thermophilous zonal evergreen elements, e.g., Distylium, Trigonobalanopsis, Diplopanax, Mastixia, Lauraceae, and azonal elements, e.g., Glyptostrobus, Nyssa, Alnus, Acer, Fraxinus, Nymphea, and Spirematospermum. The zonal vegetation was interpreted as an ecotone between BLEF and MMF (Knobloch and Kvaček, 1976 Teodoridis and Kvaček (2015) published palaeoclimatic proxies for Wackersdorf derived from the CLAMP/CA as followed: MAT 18/15.7-16.6°C, WMT 26/24.9-26.0°C, CMT 12.1/5.6-10.9/°C, and MAP 1096-1187 mm.…”