We demonstrate here the possibility of identifying proteins trapped in few milligrams of the clay matrix of It 1200-1400 AD [i'iupiat potsherd fragment from Point Barrow, Alaska, by It dedicated proteomics approach. The four main steps of a proteomics analysis, (i) protein extraction from biological samples, (ii) protein hydroly· sis using a hydrolase enzyme, (iii) nanoLC, nanoESI MS, and MS/ MS analysis of the generated peptides, and (iv) protein identification using protein databank proceeded from genomic data, hltve been optimized for a rcheological remains. llrieRy our procedure starts by grinding the potsherds, extraction with 1 % triRuoroacetic acid, digestion with excess of trypsin, nanoLC, nanoESJ Ff-ICR analysis, and data mining by homology search. The developed conditions were evaluated on protein extracts from remains obtained by heated muscle tissues an!! blubbers of different seal and whale species, these samples representing the main diet sources of the Eskimo population . Most of the proteins were identified by seque nce homology to other species due to the lac k of cetacean and pinniped proteins in the databanks. More interestingly, two proteins, myo· globin and hemoglobin, respectively, identified in muscle tissue samples and blubber samples highlight s everal specific peptides of cetacean and pinniped species; these peptides arc siJ!nificant to prove the presence of these marine species in the analyzed samplcs. Based on the developed methodology and on protein identification results obtained from the heated seaVwhale muscle tissues and blubbers, the analysis of the clay matrix of a 1200-1400 AI) Ifiupiat potsherd fragment from Point Harrow was investigated. The described method succeeds in identifying four peptides corresponding to the harbor seal myoglobin (species Phoca ritulina) with a measured mass accuracy better than 1 ppm (MS and MS/ MS experiments) including one specific peptide of the cetacean and pinniped species and one specific peptide of the seal species. These results hiJ.lhlight, fur the first time , a methodology able to identify proteins from a few milligrams of archeologi· cal potsherd buried for years; the obtained results confirm the presence of a seal muscle tissue protein in this Punuk potsherd.