Ukraine’s amber industry requires expansion of its mineral resource base. The territory of the Prypiat amber basin (PAB) is considered to be the most promising for this purpose. Here, a prognosis and search system for amber (PSSA) has been created that is capable of solving current problems of the industry and its development on a scientific basis, including the concept of the amber-bearing formation (AF) and its practical implementation – the search for the amber-bearing objects (AOs) – traps of various genesis. Currently, it is believed that the main increase in amber production in the territory of the PAB will occur due to paleogeomorphological traps (PTs). This task is solved by the morphochronodynamic concept, the information and methodological basis of which is paleogeomorphology. The morphochronodynamic concept uses the methodology of systems theory, presents its own research method and determines the content of subject cartographic models that reflect the results of the research. These are maps of: paleogeomorphological cycles of development of the geomorphosystem of the time of the AF formation; statics and dynamics of its materialised space-time – the geomorpholithosphere. On their basis, the paleogeomorphological traps of the PAB territory were typified by rank and their general assessment was made to identify increased, primarily industrial, concentrations of amber. The first rank is the geomorpholithosphere of the time of the AF formation, the second rank is its structural elements and, at the same time, forecasting and prospecting units – historically-dynamic basin geomorphosystems. The third rank includes morpholithohorizons of the geomorpholithosphere (elements of its vertical structure) and morpholithocomplexes (elements of its horizontal structure) that are promising for amber deposits. A comprehensive analysis of paleogeomorphological maps of the cycles of geomorphosystem development and formation of the AF allows to distinguish the fourth and fifth ranked PTs in the territory of the PAB. The fourth rank includes some forms of palaeo-relief of perspective cycles (ancient valleys, coastal zones, uplands). The fifth rank includes parts of large forms – depressions in paleodolines, beaches, benches, etc.