Paleostress analyses using the three-dimensional orientation distribution of healed microcracks (HCs) in quartz from Cretaceous granitoids have been performed along a ca. km transect normal to the Median Tectonic Line (MTL), central Japan. The paleostress was determined by fitting mixed Bingham distributions to the HC distribution for each sample. As a result, the orientations of the HCs in each data set were grouped into -clusters, and the group with the maximum density of HCs was regarded as the dominant stress for the data set. The nonparametric correlation coefficients of angular differences of stress for each axis (σ , σ , and σ ) were projected onto best-fit great circles on a stereoplot, yielding distances from the MTL of . , . , and . , respectively. The σ axis is orthogonal to the MTL strike in the vicinity of the MTL, but rotates counterclockwise in areas away from the MTL and is roughly parallel to the MTL strike at from the MTL. The dominant σ axis (NW-SE), which is normal to the MTL in the vicinity of the MTL (southeastern area), is considered to be related to extensional faulting on the MTL at -Ma (Ichinokawa Phase), whereas the dominant σ axis (NE-SW) parallel to the MTL at a distance from the MTL suggests the influence of the plate convergence direction (NW) at about -Ma, rather than the influence of MTL-normal extension. The orientations of σ and σ show no correlation with distance from the MTL, indicating that their orientations depend on the local stress state within the granitic body.