This update describes the enantioselective addition of the terminal alkynyl C À Hb ond across an on-polar C=Cd ouble bond. Sterically congested substrates are often challenging in this type of reaction as these alkenyl substrates exhibit poor substrate-metal center coordination, and thus poor stereo-induction would result. Thes uccessfule nantioselective hydroalkynylationo ft his type of system has sporadically been reported.W eh erein describe our progress for the example of vinyl-substituted norbornadiene derivatives.W ith the aid of an iridium complex in combination with the chiral SYN-PHOS ligand, the addition products couldb eo btained smoothlyw ith excellent enantioselectivities (up to 99% ee). In particular, the first examples of an acetylenic C À Hb onda dding across azanorbornadienes are also disclosed.Keywords: alkynes; asymmetric catalysis; C À H bonds;iridium; synthetic methods Hydroalkynylations of polarc arbon-oxygen/nitrogen doubleb onds,f or instance,o fa ldehydes,k etones, imines,e nones and related compounds,h ave been remarkably successfuls ince the late 1980s.[1] In fact, it is not surprising that this addition reactiono ffers exceptionallyh igh regioselectivity across the polarized carbon center.[2] Even thoughe xtensivep rogress in carbonyl-type hydroalkynylations hasb een achieved, the regioselective and enantioselective addition of the terminal alkyne C À Hb ondt oanon-polar or nonfunctionalized C=Cd ouble bond is stillagreat challenge.[3] Recently,chemists have employed specially ligated transitionm etal complexes to promote reactions between terminal alkynesa nd allenes, [4] 1,3-dienes, [5] cyclopropenes, [6] norbornadienes, [7] andvinylarenes.[8] Yet, only non-enantioselectivev ersionso f these reactions were mainly reported. Thed evelopment of asymmetric hydroalkynylations of non-polar C=Cb onds remains limited.In 2008, Hayashi andc o-workers disclosed the first Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydroalkynylationo fa llenes.[9] Fort he allene moiety it was necessary to have proximal coordinating ability (e.g.,adiphenylphosphinyl group) in ordertoachieve agood enantioselective outcome.L ater the same group (Nishimura and Hayashi)d eveloped ac obalt-Josiphos-type catalyst systemf or handling substrates without such an eighboring coordinating group.[10] In 2010, Suginome showedt he first nickel-catalyzed asymmetric addition of at erminal alkyne C À Hb ond to 1,3-dienes.[11] The trans-configuration of the dienes andu nique a-siloxya,a-sec-alkyl-containingalkyneswere found to be crucial reactionp artners for achieving high enantioselectivity.A part from these specially madea lkene/allene and alkyne substrates,t here are only af ew recent literature reports on the asymmetric alkynylation of non-polar norbornadienes (NBDs). Giordano and Buono reported the use of aP -chiral palladacyclic complexf or promoting hydroalkynylationw ith 24-36% ee.[12] Good-to-excellente nantioselectivities were reported by Fana nd co-workers using an Rh-Josiphos-type complex. [13] Recently,N ishimura and Hayashi d...