The reaction of phlomisoic acid methyl ester with styrene, catalyzed by Pd(OAc) 2 , in the presence of Cu(OAc) 2 and 1,4-benzoquinone in a mixture of propionic acid with diethyl ether gave the corresponding 15,16-distyryl derivative and only traces of 15-and 16-monosubstituted furanolabdanoids. Oxidative coupling of the title compound with methyl acrylate under analogous conditions afforded a mixture of 15-mono-, 16-mono-, and 15,16-dialkenylation products whose ratio changed during the process. The reaction was stereoselective, and the exocyclic double bond in the products had exclusively E configuration. * For communication XXIV, see [1]. Plant labdanoids are natural compounds possessing versatile pharmacological activity [2]. We previously described the synthesis of phlomisoic acid (I) [3] and its methyl ester II [4] from lambertianic acid which is an accessible metabolite of Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica). With a view to obtain diterpenoid derivatives with alkenyl substituents in the furan ring we examined oxidative coupling (Heck oxidative reaction) [5] of phlomisoic acid methyl ester (II) with alkenes. Oxidative coupling of 2-methylfuran with activated alkenes in the presence of a stoichiometric amount of palladium compounds was reported in [6]. In addition, there are published data on catalytic alkenylation of furans in the presence of catalytic systems containing palladium complexes and copper(II) salts [7], in particular palladium acetate-tert-butyl hydroperoxide-benzoquinone [8], palladium acetate-molybdovanadophosphoric acid [9], and palladium acetate-copper acetate-benzoquinone [10].The reaction of phlomisoic acid methyl ester (II) with styrene (2 equiv), catalyzed by Pd(OAc) 2 (0.1 equiv), in the presence of Cu(OAc) 2 (0.5 equiv) and 1,4-benzoquinone (0.1 equiv) in a 1 : 1 mixture of propionic acid with diethyl ether (35°C, 10 h) in an oxygen atmosphere resulted in the formation of (E)-15,16-distyryl-15,16-epoxylabdatrienoate III in 63% yield, the conversion being 90%. Increase of the reaction time until complete conversion of the initial compound did not improved the yield of III. When the reaction was performed using an equimolar amount of styrene, other conditions being equal, the product was 15,16-distyryl derivative III as well (yield 32%, conversion 40%). In the presence of 0.05 equiv of Pd(OAc) 2 the yield of III was 23% (conversion 57%). In these cases, only trace amounts of monosubstituted furanolabdanoids IV and V were detected. Interestingly, the reaction of II with 1 equiv of styrene in dioxane-propionic acid (5 : 1) in the presence of a stoichiometric amount of palladium acetate at 100°C (10 h) also afforded (E)-15,16-distyryllabdatrienoate III as the only product (yield 19%, conversion 57%) and was accompanied by considerable tarring.In the reaction of phlomisoic acid methyl ester (II) with methyl acrylate, the complete conversion was attained in 80 h. The products were 15,16-bis(3-methoxy-3-oxoprop-1-en-1-yl)-, 16-(3-methoxy-3-oxoprop-1-en-1-yl)-, and 15-(3-methoxy-3-oxoprop-1-en-