As eries of alkyl and aryl formate esters were evaluated as CO sourcesi nt he Pd-and Pd/Ru-catalyzed reductivec yclization of substituted nitro compounds to afford heterocycles, especially indoles.P henyl formate was found to be the most effective, and it allowed the desired products to be obtained in excellent yields, often highert han those previously reported with pressurized CO. Through detailed experimentsa nd kinetics tudies, we were able to discern between metal-catalyzed and basemediated activation of phenyl formate and confirmed that just the base waseffective in catalyzing its decarbonylation.The catalytic reductivec arbonylation of aromatic nitro compounds is an efficient method for the preparation of al arge variety of bulk [1] and fine [2] chemicals. In particular,d uring the years, ap lethora of nitrogen-containing heterocyclesh ave been prepared from suitably ortho-substituted nitroarenes by using CO as as toichiometricr eductant (Scheme 1) and examples of intermolecularr eactions and of reactions employing bnitrostyrenes and relatedm olecules as reagents are also known. [3] Despite the high efficiency of several of these reactions, their use has not spread outside the limited number of groups that reported them. This is likely mostly due to the fact that they generally involve the use of pressurized CO, which requires safetym easures that are not availablei nm ost synthetic organic laboratories. To overcome this limitation andt o allow more researchers to use this chemistry, several years ago we startedi nvestigating the use of molecules capable of releasing CO in situ, thus avoidingt he need for high-pressure equipmenta nd CO lines. Among several suitabler eagents, [4] we chose to employ formate esters because of their commercial availability,l ow cost, and low toxicity and selected the Pdcatalyzed synthesis of indoles from o-nitrostyrenes (Scheme 1, upper left) as the first reaction to test. We also chose to operate in as ingle glass pressure tube because this equipment is cheap and availablei nd ifferents izes. As teel autoclave can also be used, but without the need forp ressurized CO. Some of the aforementioned CO-releasing reagents require the use of two-chamber reactors to separatet he CO-releasing reaction from the carbonylation one. When we startedt his study,n oa lternative hadb een reported to the use of gaseous CO in nitroarene cyclization reactions. Very recently,Driver and co-workers reportedt he use of Mo(CO) 6 to this aim. [5] However, the toxicity of this CO source is remarkable and could create complications if used on al arger scale.Owing to its very low cost, our initial investigation was devoted to proving if n-butyl formate could be as uccessful CO surrogate in the reductive cyclization of methyl (E)-2-nitrocinnamate (1a).Ru 3 (CO) 12 and [Pd(Phen) 2 ][BF 4 ] 2 (Phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) were chosen as catalysts for preliminary studies. Indeed, Ru 3 (CO) 12 was extensively employed in decarbonylation reactions of alkyl formates, [6] whereas [Pd(Phen) 2 ][BF 4