A comprehensive mechanistic study by means of complementary experimental and computational approaches of the exo‐cyclohydroamination of primary aminoalkenes mediated by the recently reported β‐diketiminatoiron(II) complex B is presented. Kinetic analysis of the cyclisation of 2,2‐diphenylpent‐4‐en‐1‐amine (1 a) catalysed by B revealed a first‐order dependence of the rate on both aminoalkene and catalyst concentrations and a primary kinetic isotope effect (KIE) (kH/kD) of 2.7 (90 °C). Eyring analysis afforded ΔH≠=22.2 kcal mol−1, ΔS≠=−13.4 cal mol−1 K−1. Plausible mechanistic pathways for competitive avenues of direct intramolecular hydroamination and oxidative amination have been scrutinised computationally. A kinetically challenging proton‐assisted concerted N−C/C−H bond‐forming non‐insertive pathway is seen not to be accessible in the presence of a distinctly faster σ‐insertive pathway. This operative pathway involves 1) rapid and reversible syn‐migratory 1,2‐insertion of the alkene into the Fe−Namido σ bond at the monomer {N^N}FeII amido compound; 2) turnover‐limiting Fe−C σ bond aminolysis at the thus generated transient {N^N}FeII alkyl intermediate and 3) regeneration of the catalytically competent {N^N}FeII amido complex, which favours its dimer, likely representing the catalyst resting state, through rapid cycloamine displacement by substrate. The collectively derived mechanistic picture is consonant with all empirical data obtained from stoichiometric, catalytic and kinetics experiments.