Conventional anticancer drug sensitivity testing methods, such as succinate dehydrogenase inhibition (SDI), histoculture drug-response assay (HDRA) and collagen gel droplet embedded culture drug sensitivity testing (CD-DST), all require primary culturing and are extremely complex tests that require considerable time for analysis. A major drawback of these methods is that if culturing is not performed properly, ambiguous results are produced. Therefore, we developed an oxygen electrode apparatus that uses cellular metabolism as an indicator of anticancer drug sensitivity and investigated its usefulness in 29 breast cancer patients with the following histopathological classifications: papillotubular carcinoma (n= 15); solid tubular carcinoma (n= 6); and scirrhous carcinoma (n= 8). Comparison of anticancer drug sensitivity testing results obtained using the conventional HDRA method and those obtained using the oxygen electrode apparatus showed significant reproducibility between the two methods. In addition, similar anticancer drug sensitivity testing results using the oxygen electrode apparatus were obtained for in vivo testing of nude mice transplanted with established cancer cell lines. These findings suggest that the oxygen electrode apparatus is a useful procedure in anticancer drug sensitivity testing that provides better reproducibility and that is faster, more convenient, and less expensive than other testing methods.