The low quality of palm kernel meal (PKM) is due to the presence of high fibrous fraction. Fermentation of a low-quality feedstuff by using fungi could improve its quality. An experiment was done to determine the effect of fungi fermented palm kernel meal on the performance of broilers. Palm kernel meal was fermented by different fungi (Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viride and Pleorotus ostreatus). The study used 200-day-old chicks and the chicks were randomly placed in brooder cages. The broilers were fed with starter and grower diets from days 1 to 21 and days 21 to 42 respectively. Feed and water were provided ad-libitum. The treatments diets were R1: basal diet (0% PKM), R2: (10% PKM), R3: 10% Aspergillus niger fermented PKM, R4: 10% Pleorotus ostreatus fermented PKM, R5: 10% Trichoderma viride fermented PKM, R6: 20% PKM, R7: 20% Aspergillus niger fermented PKM, R8: 20% Pleorotus ostreatus fermented PKM, R9: 20% Trichoderma viride fermented PKM. A completely randomized design was used in this study. Data were analyzed by the analysis of variance. The inclusion of 20% PKM in the diet decreased body weight gain and feed intake. Supplementation of the diets with 20% fungi fermented PKM could maintain body weight gain to the same level of those birds fed the basal diets. The percentage of gizzard weight was higher in birds fed the basal diet than the other treatment birds. In conclusion, fermentation of PKM with Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viride and Pleorotus ostreatus could improve its quality. The performance of broilers fed the 20% PKM could be maintained provided.