These studies were carried out to better understand the palynostratigraphic and palaeoclimatic fluctuations observed in the floral ecosystem. The palynofloral investigation discovered two palynoassemblages (I-II). Faunipollenites spp. and Striatopodocarpites spp. dominate Palynoassemblage-I (430-232.10 m), with a high incidence of Striasulcites spp. Palynoassemblage-II (208.30-83.50 m) is distinguished by striate bisaccates and a high Densipollenites spp. frequency. Alisporites sp., Falcisporites nuthaliensis, Klausipollenites schaubergeri, Chordasporites australiensis, Guttulapollenites hannonicus, and Corisaccites alutus are the younger elements of these palynoassemblages. Guadalupian (Wordian-Capitanian) and Lopingian (Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian) ages have been assigned to the palynoassemblage I and II based on palynofloral evidence. Organic matter in various forms indicates four distinct palynofacies assemblages (PF I-IV). According to their findings, the sequence is dominated by the presence of sub-arborescent/arborescent forest cover that thrived in swampy settings near the depositional site. During deposition, the host sediments exhibit oxic to anoxic conditions as well as variable energy levels of the freshwater regime.