Bivalves and Gastropoda are collected from the Siju Formation of South Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India. Eighteen molluscan taxa are recorded, that is, nine taxa of bivalves and nine taxa of gastropods. These are comprising Ostrea ( Ostrea) adbasaensis, Lucina rakhiensis, Lucina ( Lucina) yawensis, Trachycardium minbuense, Mactra ( Mactra) protoreevesii, Pitar ( Calpitaria) carteri, Paphia ( Callistotapes) pseudoliratus, Tellina ( Peronaea) planta, Corbula ( Bicorbula) praexarata, Natica coxi, Seila stracheyi, Euspira soriensis, Semicassis mekranica, Oliva ( Strephona) australis var. indica, Conus ( Lithoconus) kyudawonensis. Dolium ( Eudolium) arabicum, Gistortia ( Vicetia) depressa and Planorbis sp. The detailed systematic description of the present molluscan fossils is studied. One zone is established, that is, Lucina yawensis– E. soriensis zone, for correlation purpose and dating. Overall, the zone is based on the total range of molluscan species and name accordingly. The present zone has been assigned to Middle Eocene in age.