<p>Indonesian nation in welcoming the Golden Indonesia 2045 will achieve demography bonus which is appreciable that it is needed the existence of steady generation i.e., millennial generation. The aim of the research was to analyze the nature of political ethics in Indonesia and the essence of the millennial generation towards the Golden Indonesia 2045. This research used a qualitative approach by library research type. The technique of data collection used to support this research includes library research from various previous results research having linkages. The source data used in this research is obtained from books, scientific articles, scientific research reports, journals as well as related sources with this research. The analysis used in this research used content analysis. The results of the study show intelligent golden degeneration that can build a better life, is a generation that prioritizes the public interest, appreciate togetherness, patience, having religious values and norms, nationalism, patriotism, confidence, fairness, self-respect, superior, moral, religious, smart and have global competitiveness. Socialization of Pancasila towards the Golden Indonesia 2045 as a building character for the millennial generation is more relevant to be done by education trilogy, such as family, school and community becomes an activator of character building and mentality of the golden generation.</p><p>Â </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0937/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>