With this article, I would like to present a critical examination of my position on the role of design in museums by focusing on the influence of human-centred design practices (also known as design thinking) in the context of digital transformation in museums, a transformation that has been accelerated by two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions. The article aims to offer a set of propositions about the contribution of design thinking (DT) to the main challenges museums are facing in a moment of digital transformation. A rigorous evaluation of the value of DT on museums is beyond the scope of this article, however, there is a sufficient body of academic and professional literature to hypothesise the contribution of DT in addressing digital transformation challenges. My argumentation is supported by evidence from the literature review in the museum sector and academia. Firstly, through a critical examination of facts (museum initiatives during the pandemic) and a critical reflection of existing literature, I will identify a set of key museum challenges. Secondly, by critically looking at design literature, I will suggest a set of propositions by discussing the contribution of DT practices in addressing those challenges.