Co-operation in the management of shared fish stocks is often necessary to achieve sustainability and reduce uncertainty. The United States of America (USA) and Mexico share a number of fish stocks and marine ecosystems, while there is some binational co-operation in scientific research, unilateral management decisions are generally the rule. We present a case study using the giant sea bass (Stereolepis gigas, Polyprionidae) to highlight how these management and research asymmetries can skew national perceptions of population status for a fully transboundary species.Scientific publications and annual funding related to giant sea bass are 7x and 25x higher in the USA, respectively, despite the fact that 73% of the species' range occurs in Mexico. Conversely, annual fishery production and consumptive value of giant sea bass in Mexico are 19x and 3.5x higher than in the USA, respectively, while the nonconsumptive value related to dive ecotourism is 76x higher in the USA. These asymmetries have generated a distorted view of the population status of the giant sea bass across its entire range. This and other factors related to historical fishery dynamics and policy must be accounted for when assessing population status, and subsequent appropriate management responses, across geopolitical boundaries. | 1393 RAMÍREZ-VALDEZ Et AL. 2.1. Asymmetry in scientific research 1394 2.2. Fishery and management trends 1395 2.3. Spatial patterns of the contemporary fishery 1397 2.4. Asymmetry in economic value 1397 3. RESULTS 1397 3.1. Asymmetry in scientific research 1394 3.2. Fishery and management trends 1399 3.3. Spatial patterns of the contemporary fishery 1401 3.4. Asymmetry in the economic value 1401 4. DISCUSSION 1402 4.1. Asymmetry in scientific research 1403 4.2. Fishery and management trends 1404 4.3. Spatial patterns of the contemporary fishery 1405 4.4. Asymmetry in economic value 1405 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 1406 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1407 CONFLICT OF INTEREST 1407 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION 1407
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 1408Peer-reviewed papers -Information exclusively from the USA 39Peer-reviewed papers -Information exclusively from Mexico 13Peer-reviewed papers -Information from both the USA and Mexico 4Total unique GSB-centric papers 21
GSB-centric papers -Data exclusively from the USA 21 GSB-centric papers -Data exclusively from Mexico 0 GSB-centric papers -Data from both the USA and Mexico 3 Notes: WS, ISI Web of Science; GS, Google Scholar; GSB-listed, Papers that mention GSB; GSB-centric Paper, Papers that are focussed on GSB. Giant sea bass and black sea bass are common names in English used in the literature. Mero gigante and pescara are common names in Spanish (sensu Page et al., 2013).a Pescara is also a noun in Italian.