(50% yield of CalA3 in 7.2 min at p H 11 and 25°C). One of the three galacturonate residues i n compound 17 was reducible to a galactose residue with sodium borohydride, indicating that that CalA residue was esterified, via its -COOH group, to a putative alcohol. Compound 17 had a higher mobility than CalA3 on paper chromatography, indicating that the putative alcohol was relatively nonpolar. The putative alcohol could not have been methanol because Driselase readily hydrolyzed mono-, di-, and trimethyl esters of CalA3 to yield free galacturonic acid. Another Driselase digestion product (compound 12) was a derivative of CalA3 that apparently possessed two nonpolar esterified substituents: one about as labile as i n compound 17, and the other approximately 10 times more stable. Compounds 12 and 17 could not be labeled by in vivo feeding of [U-'4C]cinnamate, suggesting that they were not phenolic conjugates. Similar but chromatographically distinguishable ~ronate-'~C-labeled esters were obtained by Driselase digestion of walls of cultured carrot (Daucus carota L.), Paul's Scarlet rose (Rosa sp.), and tall fescue (festuca arundinacea Schreber) cells. In spinach, the novel compounds constituted about 5% of the total galacturonate residues of the cell wall. The observations suggest that pectic polysaccharides are linked, via 0-D-galacturonoyl ester bonds, to relatively hydrophobic constituents of the primary cell wall. Their possible role in wall architecture is discussed.Pectic polysaccharides (pectins) usually make up about one-third of the dry weight of the primary cell walls of dicots; smaller amounts are present in the Gramineae. Pectins are rich in (1+4)-linked a-D-galacturonate residues and also contain a-L-arabinose, 0-D-galactose, a-L-rhamnose, and numerous minor sugar residues (O'Neill et al., 1990). Several noncarbohydrate substituents are linked to pectins via ester bonds involving both carboxy and hydroxy groups of the polysaccharide. For example, many of the galacturonate residues are carboxy-esterified to methanol (Deuel and Stutz, 1958), a variable proportion of the galacturonate residues are 0-acetylated (Komalavilas and Mort, 1989), and (especially in the Chenopodiaceae) a few of the Ara and Gal residues are 0-feruloylated and 0-p-coumaroylated (Fry, 1982a).
993Several observations are consistent with the hypothesis that some pectins are cross-linked within the wall matrix via ester bonds (Fry, 1986). For example, a proportion of the CDTA-and endopolygalacturonase-inextractable pectin can be extracted from the cell wall in cold aqueous Na2C03 (e.g. 0.5 M; Selvendran and O'Neill, 1987;Ishii et al., 1989;Renard et al., 1990), a reagent that would break many types of ester bond. Also, suspension-cultured tomato cells that had been adapted to growth in the presence of 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile possessed abnormal cell walls almost lacking cellulose and xyloglucan but composed largely of pectins, which became water soluble after treatment with alkali (Shedletzky et al., 1990). However, this type of eviden...