Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the success of intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatment, the factors affecting success, and current recommendations.
Methods:This study was conducted by retrospectively investigating 300 cycles of IUI treatment performed in 183 patients between 2005 and 2009. The results of a single IUI treatment session performed 32 to 36 hours after a dose of 10,000 units of chorionic gonadotropin was administered to patients with unexplained infertility were analyzed. The patients were aged between 19 and 42 years with a median follicle-stimulating hormone test result of 7.15 mIU/L, a total motile sperm count exceeding 5 million/mL, and a follicle size of at least 15 mm with treatment.
Results:The successful pregnancy rate with spontaneous coitus after clomiphene citrate (CC) treatment was 12.5% (13/104) The successful pregnancy rate with IUI after CC treatment was 11.7% (16/136), and the successful pregnancy rate with IUI after gonadotropin treatment was 23.4% (14/60). A total of 43/300 pregnancies were achieved and the overall success rate was 14.3%. When the results of the 43 pregnancies obtained were examined, 32 term pregnancies (10.7%) were achieved, there were 9 (3.0%) cases of abortus, 1 (0.7%) ectopic pregnancy, and 1 (0.7%) chemical pregnancy.
Conclusion:CC is still the best agent for first-line treatment in couples with unexplained infertility. In cases refractory to gonadotropins, IUI promotes clinical success. IUI has the advantages of low cost, easy applicability and accessibility, low morbidity, and a significant success rate.