This master's degree research is attached to the research line "State, politics and education management " of the post graduation program at the Federal University of Uberlândia and aims to investigate which conception of quality that the MMR is used in to advamce SARESP indicators and reach the IDESP's goals? Therefore, it was defined as the main research's direction to analyze the conception of quality on the Method of Improvement of Results (MMR) and its relation with the indicators of SARESP and IDESP;, and, as specific aims of this reseach: to understand the process that placed the external evaluation as the main inductor for education politics focused on quality; to analyze which way the indicators from SARESP and IDESP are used on MMR; to to identify in the analyzed documents the managers' role in the implementation of the method; and; understand the conceptions of quality in order to comprehend the conception defended by the MMR.In order to achieve the intentioned aims, based on Bardin (1977), Cellard (2008), Chizzoti (2000, Marconi and Lakatos (2003), Severino (2007), among others, a qualitative reseach was conducted though biographical and documental research and, to anyone the datas' interpretation, a content's analysis. As theory support these following authors were selected: