Starting with a lattice with an action of Z or R, we build a Helly graph or an injective metric space. We deduce that the ℓ ∞ orthoscheme complex of any bounded graded lattice is injective. We also prove a Cartan-Hadamard result for locally injective metric spaces. We apply this to show that any Garside group acts on an injective metric space and on a Helly graph. We also deduce that the natural piecewise ℓ ∞ metric on any Euclidean building of type A n extended, B n , C n or D n is injective, and its thickening is a Helly graph. Concerning Artin groups of Euclidean types A n and C n , we show that the natural piecewise ℓ ∞ metric on the Deligne complex is injective, the thickening is a Helly graph, and it admits a convex bicombing. This gives a metric proof of the K(π, 1) conjecture, as well as several other consequences usually known when the Deligne complex has a CAT(0) metric.