SUMMARYObjective: There are limited data on the indications for the use of chronic invasive electroencephalography (EEG) monitoring (IEM) for pediatric epilepsy surgery. Methods: We retrospectively studied 102 children who underwent intracranial monitoring to map critical cortex, localize the epileptogenic region, or resolve divergent findings. We assessed IEM utility based on changes to the resection plan following analysis of noninvasive data. Results: IEM was judged useful in 87% of cases and had greatest utility for resolving discordant data and localizing extratemporal and multilobar epileptogenic zones. IEM data were least useful for seizure onset in the temporal lobe and had little utility for direct cortical stimulation mapping unless functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) revealed atypical language representation or the epileptogenic zone was in proximity to critical cortex. Significance: IEM utility was demonstrated for a majority of cases with well-defined indications. The method of assessing utility will facilitate multicentric studies toward developing future consensus and practice guidelines. KEY WORDS: Epilepsy, Surgery, Intracranial EEG, Invasive monitoring, Children, Indications, Utility.Excisional surgery is an established therapeutic option for medically refractory localization-related epilepsy. The goal of the presurgical evaluation is to precisely identify the epileptogenic zone (EZ), defined as the area necessary and sufficient for initiating seizures and whose removal or disconnection is necessary for abolishing seizures, and to delineate critical functional regions.1 Achieving these goals requires congruence of clinical semiology and multimodal noninvasive tests including scalp electroencephalography (EEG), and anatomic and functional neuroimaging. When noninvasive data are insufficient, extraoperative invasive EEG monitoring (IEM) is often required for surgical success.Several studies have confirmed the efficacy of IEM.
2-7Most were performed in adults where bilateral epileptogenicity and hippocampal sclerosis are common and often mandate bitemporal implantation. In children, the range of pathology is diverse; cortical malformations and extratemporal foci are particularly common and require more complex and tailored implantation strategies. Recent technological advances and newer magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences have helped in the evaluation of children by identifying subtle areas of focal cortical dysplasia and assisting surgical planning. In particular, functional imaging and source localization help define the EZ, whereas function MRI (fMRI) data can define regions of eloquent language and motor cortex. Although these advances would expectedly reduce the need for IEM, pediatric centers are increasingly evaluating more complex candidates, many of whom are MRI negative. In a recent pediatric epilepsy surgery survey, IEM was employed in Accepted March 2, 2015.