A growing number of in vivo experiments shows that high frequency bursts of action potentials can be recorded in thalamocortical neurons of awake animals. The mechanism underlying these bursts, however, remains controversial, because they have been proposed to depend on T-type Ca 2؉ channels that are inactivated at the depolarized membrane potentials usually associated with the awake state. Here, we show that the transient potentiation of the T current amplitude, which is induced by neuronal depolarization, drastically increases the probability of occurrence and the temporal precision of T-channel-dependent high frequency bursts. The data, therefore, provides the first biophysical mechanism that might account for the generation of these high frequency bursts of action potentials in the awake state. Remarkably, this regulation finely tunes the response of thalamocortical neurons to the corticofugal excitatory and intrathalamic inhibitory afferents but not to sensory inputs.corticothalamic ͉ lemniscal ͉ low-threshold calcium spike ͉ nucleus reticularis thalami A n increasing number of in vivo extracellular recordings have shown that both single action potential (AP) and highfrequency bursts of APs are elicited in thalamocortical (TC) neurons of awake animals (1-5). Although these high frequency bursts represent a small fraction of the whole TC neuron output, they preferentially occur in response to stimuli of peculiar significance, such as natural scenes (6, 7), and may therefore participate to thalamic sensory processing (8). These extracellularly recorded bursts are preceded by a period of silence lasting at least 50-100 ms, and consist of three or more APs with an interspike interval Յ4 ms that increases as the burst progresses (1-5). This temporal structure is highly reminiscent of the well known firing pattern evoked in TC neurons by the slow depolarizing waveform called the low-threshold spike (LTS) [three to five spikes at 250-400 Hz preceded by an silent interval Ͼ50 ms (9)]. Indeed, recent intracellular recordings obtained in lightly anesthetized cats has directly indicated that the high frequency bursts that occur during visual processing are underlaid by LTSs (10).However, extensive in vitro characterization of the low-voltage activated T-type Ca 2ϩ channels that underlie an LTS (11, 12) has clearly indicated that these channels are fully inactivated in the range of membrane potentials believed to be associated with the wake state (13) and require substantial and prolonged hyperpolarization to de-inactivate [800-ms hyperpolarization to Ϫ100 mV to fully recover from inactivation (14)]. Therefore, the mechanisms that allow the expression of a physiologically significant T current (IT) during wakefulness remain controversial (13). Three possibilities exist that may reconcile the in vivo and in vitro data: (i) the high frequency bursts observed in vivo are not generated by IT, (ii) the voltage dependence of T channel inactivation is different in the awake state from that in vitro because of an as yet unknow...